Top 4 Tips to Control Your Bursting Anger! Right Now!

Top 4 Tips to Control Your Bursting Anger! Right Now!

   Anger management is something that we all deal with...We all go through some phases in our life where being angry was not the right thing to do...But we did it anyway...And the funny part is we all know places where being angry is not an option or being angry will ruin the relationship..but we do it it brings me to my first question...

Why do we get angry at all?

 I have been with this thought for a long time and I came up with an answer...

Anybody - Anything = Anger

Meaning that if we have something that we are attached to...and that something is attacked by someone we feel angry...One of the many examples that we are attached to is our beliefs...I want to remember the last time your beliefs got attacked or challenged by somebody or something...What kind of emotion went through you...What you felt...And for how long do you feel your emotion...Is it a prolonged effect or just a small outburst of emotion...Most of us suffer from the latter...So if it is just an emotional outburst with nothing constructive in it so why is it so hard for us to control..Why does it happen...Why is it so hard to control our anger at the moment... Why does it happen that we lose control over ourselves when we need to control ourselves the most...To understand "How to control our anger" we need to understand the core of our emotion "Anger"...
Anger to its core is an emotion of self-defense...Just imagine our ancestors in the jungle..with a scarcity of people..and limited protection and a predator attacks or there is an attack from a different tribe...there aggression and anger are necessary to protect's family and one's resources...Or there in Animal Kingdom, there is an attack of another group of animals for territory or food...Over millions of years, our brain is programmed this way to get angry whenever there is a need to fight or whenever we felt attacked...It's just our Animal Instinct which is when not controlled can take us to our Animal Side rather than Our Human Side...

Tips On How to Control Anger...

  • Observe Your Environment: Anger is an emotion of Self-defence so next time you are feeling angry try to observe the surroundings and the situation you are in...Do you feel yourself to be in a situation where you need to protect yourself, your resources, your family, your time or you are just assuming yourself under a threat...If the threat is real anger might or might not give you the extra energy you need to pull off the task

  • Anger is Just Energy: In certain situations, all you need is just energy while in certain situations all you need is just control...Don't sacrifice control for energy...It's easy to forget this while going through outbursts of emotion...but next time when you are feeling angry take a moment and just analyze yourself...Are you sacrificing direction and control for energy...Because at the end of the day an emotional outburst is  just you unleashing all your energy at a particular person or a thing

  • Understand the need for Anger: Understand when you need energy and when you need direction...In the majority of cases in life, you'll be needing both but in what proportions...Understand the need for anger in different situations...Do you even need anger when talking to kids or Do you only need to correct their logic with your own...How much energy do you need there or Do you mainly need the Direction...To make them understand...But in a fight against a bully Do you only need Direction or you need emotions giving you the energy you need...What is it?? Understand!

  • Try to Direct the Anger: In today's lifestyle, it's more common to suppress emotion rather than expressing it...And where it leads us is that we start projecting our suppressed emotion over our family or our loved ones...Like every other emotion anger also needs Expression...Find your way of expressing anger and try to make it as non harming to others as possible...Just as an example I would like  to share with you some non-harming expression of anger which I use as my expression
    •  Express all your anger and grieves on a page and burn it
    • Try to go to Gym (Helps you channel excessive anger energy)
    • Try to indulge in any sports (Another channel to use excessive energy)

"It's Not the Anger You Need To Control...It's just the Use of it"


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